
Demtech Services, Inc. offers a full service, repair shop at its headquarters facility in Diamond Springs, California. The shop is stocked with an extensive inventory of parts and accessories for all Demtech equipment and many of our competitor’s equipment as well.

Our East Coast location also offers a large inventory of equipment, accessories, and spare parts. Our experienced team of repair/service technicians are available to serve you from 8:00am to 4:30pm Eastern Standard time.

Additionally, field technicians Gus Fauci, Wayne Leger and Nick Majerus, travel throughout the United States, providing a variety of services at your office or job site. Their trailers come fully stocked to handle most repairs and service issues. See our “Demtech On The Move” program for details.

So, whether you need a simple tune up or a complete miracle make-over, Demtech’s fully-trained, experienced technicians strive to provide you with the highest quality repairs and the quickest turn-a-round times in the industry. We understand that time is money, and every effort is made to keep your equipment downtime to a bare minimum.

“Powered by Innovation”, Demtech Services, Inc. does whatever it takes to keep you up and running. We’ve got you covered!


Call us anytime with your service/warranty questions!

Phone: 530-621-3200 or 1-800-324 WELD (9353)


Or email us:

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For Those Who Know the Difference